Topic: Slicing Error....

When I was trying to print tonight I kept getting an error

It says

Generate *3w files fail!
a. Object slicer error or slicing uncomplete
b. Unknown object slicer file type.

This error is coming from xyz ware itself.


Re: Slicing Error....

Which ver of xyz? screenshot might be helpful


Re: Slicing Error....

I am using the most recent version of the software. XYZ said I should repair it through netfabb which I did and I am still getting the same error.

I have a screenshot, but it says I am not allowed to post a link.


Re: Slicing Error....

Pm me and attach a screens if you like


Re: Slicing Error....

Hello Guys,
I am a newbie here.  Just got the DaVinci 1.0 printer and having exactly same issue....
XYZware is telling me
Generate *3w files fail!
a. Object slicer error or slicing uncomplete
b. Unknown object slicer file type.

What do I do?