Topic: WTB: Azteeg - Ordbot marlin Firmware

Heya people,

Wondering if there's anyone out there willing to put together firmware for my new Azteeg? Basically I want to throw money at you.
Seems what with Uni I've not really much time for stuffing around with things any more....

Anyway, the gear includes:
Standard Ord Bot mechanicals, basically just the kit from RepRapDiscount plus the Azteeg.
Using le bog standard mechanical endstops at this point as the Hall stops were pretty useless, save for the Z stop which is still a Hall sensor.
It's got the SureStepper SD8825's, so 1/32 microstepping if I'm not mistaken.
Build space dimensions are here: http://imgur.com/kN8pWbi
Heatbed is a Helios and it's thermistor is the same make as the hotends, the 100k epcos types I'm pretty sure.
Extruder is the Bulldog XL. Documentation can be found here: http://imgur.com/bLYEtyU

I've no idea what this kinda service would cost so if anyone is up for it we can chat over PM or email smile

Cheers comrades!

This is a crowd funding thing that I'm running: http://www.gofundme.com/bvi140 It's for pretty selfish reasons tongue