Topic: bed probing

I wish I had info to actually share but ians posts about probing the bed have me interested in the topic. I figured id start a thread and basically see where it goes from there.

My main questions are:

1. Could the solidoodle support it considering it seems to be a function coded into the marlin firmware itself( other then the obvious need for an extra endstop/mount etc etc )

2. Would we need to add boards/electronics in order to get the feature to work correctly?

In all reality even going the route of just probing 3 points for dimensions to check levelness of the bed would be fantastic let alone the printer compensating for the variation as the case with the auto level.

I wish I could truly add more but without a printer I've barely got my feet wet with the learning I should be doing


Re: bed probing

1) i don't understand the problem, the firmware is freely downloadable and of course it would need mods to add a new feature.
2) no, would just need another switch added.


Re: bed probing

Read one of the threads called glass bed, or search for probe.  We had a decent discussion about this topic and some other ideas on how to get it done.


Re: bed probing

I have some Hall effect sensors on order to try out this idea - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:35569

Putting magnets into the bed or glass would be a little more complicated, but it would be cool to be able to do the probing without needing to advance and retract a switch.