Topic: which one to go for?

Is ABS good to go with at the beginning ...?


Re: which one to go for?

Personal preference. Personally, I've found ABS to be more abundant on the market. But this will require a heated bed in the event you do not have one. It will also warp more than PLA, but proper settings and an enclosure will help combat this.

PLA rarely warps in my experience, but it will require a fan since it takes longer to cool by itself. Some users will also say PLA clogs more often as well, but many prefer it due to the odor (smels like maple syrup) and it is a more enviromnentally friendly material.
Check out some of the threads on the Filament section on the forum.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!


Re: which one to go for?

I started with ABS so I learnt a hell of a lot about warping and bed-stick.
I'd say that it's easier to use in some respects, but harder in others when compared to PLA.

That said I now use PLA almost exclusively because I print big props with large parts.
I'd say if you were planning on printing small stuff stick with ABS, but larger things defs swap to PLA.

This is a crowd funding thing that I'm running: http://www.gofundme.com/bvi140 It's for pretty selfish reasons tongue