1 (edited by Joe Carr 2012-11-27 07:14:40)

Topic: HI, my Name is Joe R. Carr

Hello, I am a 15 year old teenager from Wasilla Alaska who has recently gotten a Solidoodle 3d printer after a long wait after my June birthday.  I love it, have printed tons of stuff(just went through my first spool) and love my new printer.  I can't wait to calibrate, mod, design, and print with my 3d printer.  I use the designing software google skechup to create objects, and have created both a tape dispenser spool for masking tape and a replacement part for a floor buffer.


Re: HI, my Name is Joe R. Carr

Welcome Joe, sounds like you're off to a good start.  Be sure to post pictures of your prints so we can see what you're up to and give some tips on how to improve.