Topic: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

So I put my Panelolu together (still need to print case) and swapped out the 644 for the 1284. Followed instructions to dl arduino022, firmware. Placed arduino022 in separate area from ard1.01, and put the firmware in ~documents/arduino022/hardware. Open up Ard0.22 and can't see the Sanguinololu in tools. What am I doing wrong? Running Os X 10.6.8, still have arduino 1.01 installed in separate area.

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

From the readme:

Step 2 (Mac only)
Clone the repository at


and copy the included Sanguino directory to the hardware directory of your Arduino install. On Mac OS X, that would be ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware.

Step 3 (Mac Only)
Close the Arduino IDE and then copy the file avrdude.conf from the sanguino1284p clone to your ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware/tools/avr/etc.

Start the Arduino IDE and you should now see 'Sanguino W/ ATmega644P' AND 'Sanguino W/ ATmega1284P' options in the Tools->Board menu.

Have you done this?


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Could not find the avrdude. Does he look like Waldo? It looks like in addition to making a hardware folder, I also have to create a subfolder /tools and /avr, so ~documents/arduino022/hardware/tools/avr would be the file structure? Still looking for Waldo. I think I might just upgrade from a windows machine.

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)

4 (edited by cephdon 2012-11-23 17:34:35)

Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

I think this depends on how you got Arduino 22.  I downloaded the prebuilt binaries which were packaged in a .app folder.  You just copy it to your Applications directory.

When I had to add the Sanguino to hardware, you find the Arduino.app in the applications directory using finder.  Then "right click" or use CRTL-left click if you don't have a right click capable mouse.  When the menu appears, you will see "Show Package Contents"; Click it.

Drill down through "Contents -> Resources -> Java -> Hardware" and place your sanguino directory there.
The avrdude.conf goes into  "Contents -> Resources -> Java -> Hardware -> tools -> avr -> etc".

If you built Arduino 22 yourself, this might not work.  I haven't done that, so I don't know.

That's what worked for me.


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Aha! That makes sense- I will search through the package contents when I get back to my compy. Thank you!

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Thank you everyone for helping me out. I have just one more question regarding this. Do I select 1284 8mhz or 1284 16mhz in the hardware drop down menu? Thanks

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

16mhz .. worked for me anyway


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Avrdude: AVR part "atmega1284p" not found. I did everything on the install wiki step by step, Including putting jicama line's Sanguinololu folder in arduino/hardware, both Mac and now Pc. Still getting this message- what am I not doing?

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Thank you Lawsy for the all-in-one windows build!!!!!! Fixed it- upload successful!

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

Good to hear. I put that up a while ago but most people don't really read instructions. You're probably the first to use it.

Happy printing.


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

WellI noticed your all in one was not listed in the wiki, but at the bottom of the stiki.Took me awhile to refind it. Cheers

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Mac arduino 022 hardware recognition

I'm not sure where people read from, but I updated the instructions on the github download site to reflect the change.