1 (edited by adamp 2012-11-22 18:55:59)

Topic: trouble printing yoda

Hi everyone, I have been slowly dialing in my settings for my S2 with skeinforge and have been having issues printing yoda, i had an issue with too much overlap on the infill causing plastic to bulge and create bumps but this has now been resolved. my main problem is that when the nozzle tries to print to the edge of an overhang it causes the plastic to raise slightly which really skews up my print because when the nozzle comes to print a new perimeter layer it hits the raised plastic and makes everything wobble causing the printer to loose its point of reference. (im sorry if this explanation doesn't make sense) anyway I have attempted Yoda 4 times now, its not just the yoda model I am having issues with, this problem happens on all models with an overhang. I will upload pictures if needed but you cant really see much other than a mess. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Re: trouble printing yoda

Have you made the extruder fan modification yet?  Overhangs are particularly difficult without some cooling from a fan.


Re: trouble printing yoda

no not yet, im mainly using abs and from reading the topic about it i wasn't sure it would improve my prints using abs. I will certainly give it a go if you think it will help.


Re: trouble printing yoda

The fan will cool the ABS faster and harden it before it has a chance to curl up so much.


Re: trouble printing yoda

will get it done tonight and upload some pictures before and after. I have attached a picture of the issue i am having with plastic raising on the fill. I have tried to sort this by reducing my grid extra overlap setting but i still have the problem. I am hoping the fan will maybe sort this.

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yoda fail.JPG
yoda fail.JPG 1.88 mb, 2 downloads since 2012-11-22 

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Re: trouble printing yoda

It also looks like you are printing yoda solid. I would suggest going down to .15 infill maybe .25 at most. This will reduce your print time greatly. Yoda definitely does not need solid infill.


Re: trouble printing yoda

no its not solid, this is just what happens when it does the solid layers, its currently at 0.1 infill. I shall try .15


Re: trouble printing yoda

Reducing infill density won't help, because Skeinforge wants to print a full solid layer every time a part of the layer is open on top.  For instance, when you get to the bottom of Yoda's ear canal, it will want to fill the whole inside of the head.  I hate this about Skeinforge, Slic3r is a lot smarter about that.  With Skeinforge, all those creases and wavy surfaces cause a lot of solid layers when you get into the head.

Try reducing the flow rate instead.  It looks like the solid layer threads are getting squished together a little, causing the excess plastic to squish up.


Re: trouble printing yoda

ok I have reduced the flow rate, I will post back with my results. I cant wait to get it finally set up properly


Re: trouble printing yoda

well i have reduced my flow rate which seemed to get rid of most of my problems, changed it from 2.1 to 2.0. first time i have managed to finish yoda. Thanks for you help. I cant do the fan mod as of yet because I changed the extruder and the fan part that i printed wont fit. I will have to modify the design to fit my extruder before i can use the fan. Here are some pictures smile Its not perfect but almost there.

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yoda1.JPG 1.95 mb, 2 downloads since 2012-11-24 

yoda2.JPG 2.03 mb, 3 downloads since 2012-11-24 

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Re: trouble printing yoda

well I have designed a fan mount that will fit my extruder and the results are a dramatic improvement. I am truly grateful for the support from the community here. Thank you


Re: trouble printing yoda

adamp, can we get a picture of your new fan setup? I am also interested in your reasons for changing the extruder too.


Re: trouble printing yoda

yes its a bit crude and bulky but im new to 3d modeling and couldn't design a nice one haha. it seems to be doing the job. I think it would hit the door if i had one but seems as i don't then it works fine.

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fan mod 2.JPG
fan mod 2.JPG 1.83 mb, 3 downloads since 2012-11-25 

fan mod 2stl 122.49 kb, 18 downloads since 2012-11-25 

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