Topic: Repetier Not homing correctly

My solidoodle arrive today, woo!

Printed a couple of prints using the pronterface package from solidoodle and all is well. Will post pictures soon.

Setup repetier following Ian's guide, and it does not home correctly. On attempting to print the head stays at 0,0 off the right hand side of the bed. So as it homes the bed up to the extruder, it misses the tip and aligns itself incorrectly, as it trips the limit switch against the edge of the extruder.

Under Printer shape I have the Print Area as 150x150x150, Home X,Y as Max. Home Z as min.

Dump Area on, Left: 150, Front: 0, Dump Area Width: 9, Dump Area Depth: 150.

X Min: 0, X Max: 159, Bed Left: 0
Y Min: 0, Y Max: 150, Bed Front: 0

Using either my own slicer settings, or the slicer settings provided by Ian doesn't seem to help. I have reflashed using the latest firmware from lawsy's thread.

Repetier seems to be a much more professional looking and feeling package. Slicer is a lot quicker, so would love to get this all working.

Also adding an object to Repetier now also brings up the error message: "Too many objects on printer bed for automatic packing".


Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

What does the gcode look like?   Does the preview show it in the right place?


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

Opening  output gcode from slicer in pronteface also produces the broken homing behaviour. So it looks like it is an issue with slicer.

Ok built some new gcode using the gcode that skienforge uses as a base. Editted so it winds the bed down, centres, moves the bed up.

Repetier still does not home correctly though, it homes off the right side of the bed, and therefore incorrectly homes the bed too high.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

4 (edited by caswal 2012-11-21 11:52:56)

Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

Well that didn't work, it stop the extruder head crashing into the bed. But repetier got confused and printed the item off the side of the bed.

The issue seems to lie in that home in the X axis is off the side of the bed. Not on the bed itself.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

IanJohnson wrote:

What does the gcode look like?   Does the preview show it in the right place?

Yes it all previews in the correct place.

Think I may of found the problem, 2 ticks.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

Somehow I was under the impression, by the way the bed moved up and made the extruder flex and simultaneous switch click, that the limit switch for the Z axis was in the extruder assembly.

Then I noticed the Z limit switch at the back of the solidoodle and it all made sense, The Z Limit switch/bed level was set a bit too high, so the bed was always trying to level out at about 3 mm above the tip of the extruder.

All fixed now, all because of my broken preconceptions.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

Thanks for the set of posts. I go my doodle yesterday and will fire it up this weekend.  I will watch for that z limit switch.


Re: Repetier Not homing correctly

It's not really the z-limit switch, it can all be done on the bed adjustment.

The main way I got all confused is how pronterface moves into the middle of the bed, and then homes the Z axis/bed before it prints. This also threw me into thinking the Z limit switch was in the head, with just the timing of the flex in the head assembly and the click of the switch. As it printed fine, except with the first layer or 2 a bit squished, because of the pressure the bed was exerting on the extruder.

Repetier/Slic3r does the homing with the extruder at the far back right. Then as it moved, the extruder struck the bed. So that caused me to think it was bad homing. All it was that the bed was too high and just needed to be screwed down and levelled again.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game