Topic: Stand-alone vertical stand

I live in share housing, and I generally end up moving once a year or so  - as a result I don't own anything particularly large to sit the Filastruder atop or a wall to attach it to.

I want to make some sort of semi-portable stand that will allow me to mount the Filastruder vertically at the right height. Bonus points if it can easily do horizontal too.

Of course I could dive in and hack something together out of wood - but I am wondering who here has an elegant design/solution already that I can use or improve.


Re: Stand-alone vertical stand

You can buy an enclosure from the store or cut your own and here is a 45 degree stand I just designed for the enclosure.


Re: Stand-alone vertical stand

drandolph, thanks for the 45 degree stand. is there advantage  of using 45 degrees over vertical?

It looks like the filament would hit the fan. Tim has said the fan should hit the nozzle to introduce a heat gradient.  What is the tolerance on your filament?

Thanks again it certainly looks great.



Re: Stand-alone vertical stand

I will get mine possibly tomorrow or early next week and will try mounting it vertically. I'll try using wood or metal to do that. With wood I have though of screwing 2 planks to each side of the filastruder to for U around it. That gives some stability for it. With metal I would screw 2 L shaped metal pieces to each side almost like with wood. The metal would make the base narrower so the filament wouldn't hit it that easy. It would also be easier to make a base for this so that the filament wouldn't fall on top of it. We will see which one I will go with


Re: Stand-alone vertical stand

I made a vertical stand with about $10 of pvc and a spare string of Filastruder filament from the initial purge.  I'll probably make a post about it in a week or two when my printer is fixed in order to print the vertical hopper.


Re: Stand-alone vertical stand

After the largest bunch of printer problems I've had to date, I finally got the vertical hopper printed, and posted the whole thing!  I posted a topic here: http://www.soliforum.com/topic/5753/10- … -from-pvc/