Topic: Backlash

So in a bunch of recent threads you guys have been talking about backlash.

What is it, and if its a problem how can I fix it? Are there any links on this? I googled but still dunno what you guys are talking about.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Backlash

In a nutshell its when there is slack in the movement of one or more axis.

Imagine asking for 50mm but only a 48mm movement is made because the first 2mm of energy went into taking up the slack.

To remove, it can be done mechanically with belt tension (x or Y) or a z screw nut (z).

Software can also be used to compensate (lash in Skeinforge or Neil's hysteresis frmware code) where 52mm is asked for to guarantee the desired 50mm is achieved.


Re: Backlash

ahhh, I gotcha... is that why I have this happening? (see attached pic)

I kinda fixed it by changing the flow-rate higher but the nozzle schmears the filament to fill in the gap and leaves an ugly/rough finish. How can I test to see which motors are the ones with slack? Or can I just tighten the hell out of everything just to make sure?

Where can I find instructions on how to adjust it through the firmware?


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