Topic: Solidoodle Software Suggestions

I am making a thread in this forum, and the Google group to discuss ideas for software improvements. We realize that the needs of Solidoodle users may be a little different from the average Reprapper. Tell us all about what you'd like to see.

We are looking for suggestions for:
-Pronterface (GUI and core)

If any of you have custom Slic3r profiles, or Repeteir host tutorials, this is the place to bring it up.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Solidoodle Software Suggestions

Id be willing to pay for a software package that will allow me to position, slice, and control my printer all in one.

Like the netfabb engine.

3 (edited by IanJohnson 2012-08-15 18:26:55)

Re: Solidoodle Software Suggestions

I think Repetier and Slic3r is the best combo to do everything in one place.  Repetier wants 0,0 to be in the lower left corner of the bed, so it requires different start gcode-

G92 X150 Y150 Z0

This requires homing to be working correctly, which is why I have been pushing for the fixes in firmware.

Slic3r also works best when the the extruder steps/mm is set properly.

I want to do a big Repetier tutorial, but I keep thinking up projects and trying to do them all at once.  I've still been running pronterface just because I'm used to it and want to get things printed, but I'll try to get switched over to Repetier this week and work with it more consistently.