Topic: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

I'm experiencing the nasty problem, that when I start a print job, the bed heater is switched off.
How can I avoid this?

I'm using my Solidoodle 2 with Repetier 0.8 and Slic3r  0.95




Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

Please post your g-code for an affected print file.


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

Hi, this is one of the generated g-code's (just the first few lines):

; generated by Slic3r 0.9.6-dev on 2012-11-14 at 17:35:31

; layer_height = 0.3
; perimeters = 5
; top_solid_layers = 3
; bottom_solid_layers = 3
; fill_density = .2
; perimeter_speed = 50
; infill_speed = 50
; travel_speed = 50
; scale = 1
; nozzle_diameter = 0.35
; filament_diameter = 1.75
; extrusion_multiplier = .91
; perimeters extrusion width = 0.42mm
; infill extrusion width = 0.42mm
; first layer extrusion width = 0.75mm

M104 S195 ; set temperature
G21; set mm units
G28 ;home all axis
M190 S0 ; set and wait for bed temp to be reached
M104 S200 ; set extruder temp and start heating
G90; set absolute coordinates
G1 Z5 F300 ;move platform down 5mm
G1 X10 Y10 F3000 ;move to front left corner
M109 S200; wait for extruder temp to be reached
G1 Z100% F200 ;move platform close to nozzle
G92 E0; reset extrusion distance
G1 E7 ;extrude anchor
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G92 E0
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G1 F1800.000 E-1.00000
G92 E0
G1 Z0.300 F3000.000
G1 X95.624 Y86.428
G1 F1800.000 E1.00000
G1 X94.316 Y88.131 F1200.000 E1.16710
G1 X92.613 Y89.438 E1.33420
G1 X90.629 Y90.260 E1.50131
G1 X88.500 Y90.540 E1.66841
G1 X86.371 Y90.260 E1.83551
G1 X84.308 Y89.406 E2.00930
G1 X83.011 Y88.514 E2.13180
G1 X81.946 Y87.880 E2.22820
G1 X80.000 Y87.493 E2.38261
G1 X78.054 Y87.880 E2.53702
G1 X76.989 Y88.514 E2.63342
G1 X75.692 Y89.406 E2.75592
G1 X73.629 Y90.260 E2.92970
G1 X71.500 Y90.540 E3.09681
G1 X69.371 Y90.260 E3.26391
G1 X67.387 Y89.438 E3.43101
G1 X65.684 Y88.131 E3.59811
G1 X64.376 Y86.428 E3.76522
G1 X63.555 Y84.444 E3.93232
G1 X63.274 Y82.315 E4.09942
G1 X63.555 Y80.186 E4.26653
G1 X64.449 Y78.026 E4.44842
G1 X65.286 Y76.626 E4.57535
G1 X69.159 Y71.040 E5.10429
G1 X73.577 Y65.966 E5.62785
G1 X78.552 Y61.387 E6.15401
G1 X80.000 Y60.276 E6.29604

Thanks and best regards


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

M190 S0 seems to be the problem.  It set the bed temperture to 0.  Setting it to 0 in Slic3r is supposed to let you set it manually, and not actually set a 0 temp in gcode.  It seems like a bug because it didn't used to do that.  You can switch to an earlier version, or just delete that line from the gcode.


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

it looks like you are using a version of my improved start.g-code

M190 S0 ; set and wait for bed temp to be reached


G1 Z100% F200 ;move platform close to nozzle

are both problems.

Can you post up what you have in the start g-code field of slic3r and we should be able to fix it.


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

I had the same problem yesterday. I just set the bed temp to 90 in slic3r, if i need it hotter i just turn it up manually during the print. im sure the next release will fix this bug.


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

macmub, you can go remove the line that sets the bed temp from the start g code, then the problem goes away ..


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

Yes, I'm using lawsy's improved start.g-code:

G21; set mm units
G28 ;home all axis
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set and wait for bed temp to be reached
M104 S200 ; set extruder temp and start heating
G90; set absolute coordinates
G1 Z5 F300 ;move platform down 5mm
G1 X10 Y10 F3000 ;move to front left corner

So it's probably the issue with the variable [first_layer_bed_temperature]

I've changed it to
M190 S90

and it's working now.

Thank you all for your help.


Re: Repetier - start print - bed heater off

In Slic3r, you can set the first layer temp to a different value than the rest. Usually this would be for increased stick with a higher temp. If you want it to work the original way, just match the first layer temp to the normal temp in the slic3r profile.