Topic: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

Its finally here!!! Its at my house and Ill be checking it out when I get home from work.  I cant wait!! This day is going to go by so slow now. LOL Any advise for a first time user? Should I level the bed first, or update the firmware, or can you print right out of the box?


Re: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

You can most likely print right out of the box (After the software is setup and all).


Re: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

My advice, for what it is worth, is to first check to make sure that your Z height is correct so you won't experience running your nozzle into the table or tearing your kapton (this should be spot on from the factory but I still checked).

After that start printing away. Many I think start tweaking things right away and get themselves in a mess.  That is ok once you have experience since mod it is half the fun but just enjoy it the way it is for awhile and print some stuff!!

4 (edited by WhiteStar01 2012-11-16 18:07:30)

Re: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

If yours comes like mine did- the extruder will be tight against the bed.  Manually turn the Z screw to lower the bed it if this is the case.


Re: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

Set Z height, and level the bed and you should be good to start.  Get a feel for it.

...you don't look so good, maybe you should go home sick.


Re: My solidoodle is waiting on me!!!

Another thing I found helpful.

After you have your Z set about right, mark the front of the screw with a paint line or something.  That way if you play around with your Z height you always have a reference mark to go back to (unless your a full turn off which is way off anyways).