Topic: 9mm 6point hex socket

Filastruder #804.

While installing the filastruder kit, I found out that given 9mm 6point hex socket does not fit the given auger. However, I managed to get the kit installed by getting 10mm hex socket from my local hardware store. The question I have is that is the correct way to do or we should file the auger to fit the given 9mm hex socket?


Re: 9mm 6point hex socket

10mm might be a touch big. 3/8" is 9.5mm, that would be a better idea.

Couple minutes with a file would also have solved it. There's a bit of variability in the hex size.


Re: 9mm 6point hex socket

I did tried to file the auger but it seems too big. Any reason why you did not include the correct size of the hex socket?
Elmoret is right that 10mm is a little too big as the motor is not able to turn the auger with the 10mm socket. Looks like I need to source for 3/8" hex socket locally then. Till then, still not able to use my filastruder.


Re: 9mm 6point hex socket

Happy to send you another. The variance is very small - around 300 microns. Filing it a bit should be no problem.

I try to match the correct socket to each auger individually, but sometimes they get swapped in packaging.

Happy to send you the $2 that a socket costs if you want, or send you one free of charge.


Re: 9mm 6point hex socket

Thanks for your offer. I will try to file it again and see if it fit. Not really the cost issue, just that a little bit frustrated not be able to get the filastruder running.