Topic: Round corners

I have troubles with the last prints with uneven round corners.
What could cause this? The head goes very slowly in those areas.
Perimeters: 70mm/s
Small perimeters: 50mm/s

Maybe try to tightening the belts...?


Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Round corners

It might be Y backlash.  Turn the model 45 degrees and see if it turns out any differently.  If you have backlash, it should show up in a cube.  If the X dimension is right on, and Y is short, then the amount it is short should be your backlash.  If you have Lawsy's latest firmware, you can use the hysteresis compensation.  Enter M99 Y[your backlash amount].  If it works, you can enter it for good in firmware, or add that line to your start code.


Re: Round corners

Thanks Ian. I turned the model 45º, but the problems seems to persist. I also tried to fix the model in Netfabb, but same result. I will download the latest version from Lawsy and add the backlash.


Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Round corners

If you open the gcode into repetier, or look at the Pronterface preview, does it show the flattening there?  That would tell you if it is gcode, or the printer's execution of it.

5 (edited by RSandven 2012-11-16 20:03:44)

Re: Round corners

The repetier shows "perfect" roundness. I uploaded the newest firmware and added M99 Y0.1, but that was too much. Will try a lower value now.

I'm using 0.1mm i Z-lift, has this influence on this?

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Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Round corners

Try the cube test, that might give you a solid number to work with.


Re: Round corners

Yes, will try the cube-test.
Take a look here, the head moves very strange and slow in the inner corner-radiuses there, is this normal?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeeGz_2p … ature=plcp

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Round corners

Give it a try in Skeinforge.  I've had perimeters do slowdowns in seemingly random places, and I don't know if it is gcode or firmware.  Do you have a different speed setting for small perimeters?  Maybe it is treating that inner radius as a separate small perimeter.


Re: Round corners

Weird, the Pronterface would not start when I press Print. Isn't it compatible with the newest Merlin-software?

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7