Topic: Filawinder Sensor Issue

This evening I was running into rampant issues with the sensor stopping to respond.  I had been running it with no problems for 8 hours today, but then for the next 2 hours after that it would stop responding anywhere between 0-10 minutes after re-calibration and the guide would reset back to the middle.  I was constantly resetting and redoing the sensor calibration with what seemed like no real improvement.  Lighting was kept constant in the room and I made sure as to not cast any shadows over the sensor.  Sometimes it would do it immediately after I turned it back on to auto mode, and I would need to go back to manual to reconfigure the sensor.

I plan to try it again tomorrow to see if it starts happening again.  But if anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated!


Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

If the guide is moving back to the middle, then the control board is getting reset.  It could be the power is getting cut off intermittently.  Check the connection of the wires at the power switch and at the board, and also the power jack.  Run it for awhile in manual without the spool and see if it behaves any differently.


Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

Thanks, that seems to have been the problem.  I went and made sure all of the wires and the connections were set properly and now it is no longer resetting shortly after calibrating.


Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

Well, it was running fine for a while after I had rechecked the connections.  But then my filastruder motor died so I hadn't used the filawinder until yesterday after I got a new motor installed.  I triple checked all of the connections and re-soldered a loose connection I had on the power switch.  However, I am still seeing the controller reset every time I switch it from manual mode to auto mode.


Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

Does it always reset when you flip that switch?  Does it reset when you switch from Auto back to manual?

Try uploading this firmware-

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ooih56xkcrzoc … oynuts.zip

I've changed the pin for the Auto switch to pin 10, which is on the expansion header, 3rd pair from the left.  Plug the Auto switch in there, and see if it acts any differently-



Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

I uploaded the new firmware and moved the auto switch to the new pins, but I am still seeing the same results.  It will either reset the moment I switch from manual to auto or reset 1-2 seconds after I switch from manual to auto.

I took a short video of it in action so you can see what exactly is going on.



Re: Filawinder Sensor Issue

PM me your address and I'll send you a new board, and an envelope and label to send that one back.  I want to see if it is a problem I can find and test for.