Topic: Top layer just half filled

I'm printing some prints every day now, and the prints are almost perfect. But some prints just get half the top filled. The right side of the model is not printed. You can clearly see the right half is missing the last layer.
2 Horizontal shells - 0.2 infill

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Solidoodle_toplayer.JPG 1.7 mb, 4 downloads since 2012-11-09 

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Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Top layer just half filled

I think Lawsy had this problem and solved it.  The M code that turns off the motors in the end gcode doesn't go though the buffer like the G1 movement codes.  It basically cuts in line and shuts off the motors before the printer has finished executing the final moves waiting in the buffer.  There is a delay code you can put in before motors off to keep that from happening.  I don't remember where the thread is, but you can see a list and explanation of the codes here - http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code


Re: Top layer just half filled

Thanks Ian. I will check on that. But it is not always this happens. I checked the 3D Visualization and the same thing showed up there. Will do some more tests

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Top layer just half filled

RSandven wrote:

Thanks Ian. I will check on that. But it is not always this happens. I checked the 3D Visualization and the same thing showed up there. Will do some more tests

Ever come up with anything?

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Top layer just half filled

Ah, forgot to give a feedback here. I haven't tried anything new here,  but it seems more like a bug in the STL-file. But will the 3D-visual show the bug if the enhanched End-code isn't modifed with the delay?

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Top layer just half filled

RSandven wrote:

Ah, forgot to give a feedback here. I haven't tried anything new here,  but it seems more like a bug in the STL-file. But will the 3D-visual show the bug if the enhanched End-code isn't modifed with the delay?

I generally don't trust the 3D representations.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.