Topic: Leveling the bed

Can someone explain this to me a little bit?

I've been trying to do it to how i understand is correct and ive put the extruder to each corner and ive been using some paper sliding underneath it and getting it even on each corner.... stick the extruder anywhere near the middle and the bed is too high and the paper wont slide underneath and if i drop the z then the corners arent correct again...

i ask this because ive been trying to print 3 or more of the same object at once, if i print just one in the middle its fine but if i print more it doesnt stick on the top or bottom prints but the middle print is fine.....could my bed be bowed in the middle perhaps or is this normal?


Re: Leveling the bed

Yup, your bed is warped, if the screw settings that result in acceptable gaps at the 4 corners do not result in acceptable gap in the middle (or no gap at all).


Re: Leveling the bed

I have the same problem.  I have to adjust the bed for each differently sized part I print.  Other people have had success putting glass (with clips) on the bed to make it more level.  I haven't tried it yet.


Re: Leveling the bed

Well isnt that annoying if it is a warped bed! apart from trying the glass is there any other options? or maybe me and MrWetsnow are missing something that might be able to help us?


Re: Leveling the bed

Kamatari wrote:

Well isnt that annoying if it is a warped bed! apart from trying the glass is there any other options? or maybe me and MrWetsnow are missing something that might be able to help us?

Do you have any kind of straight edge you can place across the bed to check if it is indeed warped, or even a laser pointer aimed across the surface might be able to show warping otherwise it may be something else....bent rails,loose mechanicals...


Re: Leveling the bed

Hmm im sure i posted a reply? i will run some straight edges across and check, kinda gave up last night after failing to get my prints sad


Re: Leveling the bed

If i use glass on the top off the bed can i get any old glass or do i need something in particular? also if my bed is raised in the middle would it not bend the glass?


Re: Leveling the bed

We use vanity mirror style reflective glass in the shop. Seems to work ok.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.