1 (edited by Briggs 2014-01-06 04:19:53)

Topic: Filahopper

Since I'm going with a vertical mount to my Filastruder, I thought I'd draw up a hopper chute that works in this orientation, and is easy to print. Stupid easy to print, really.

I split the hopper in half, as you can see in the pdf. (By the way, open in acrobat, and click on the drawing, and it will turn into a 3d model you can rotate and zoom, etc.)

Not shown is the other half, and the the hoppertop that holds the filament (meant to say pellets). This hoppertop will fit inside the hopper chute at the top to make a secure connection, like a vac hose goes into an attachment.

I also built in a little "tab" to screw the chute to the plywood. 

Please, let me know your thoughts on the design before I waste time printing it. Once it's done, I'll post the .stl and CAD files here. And, if you like the concept, please, run with it, make it your own.

Thanks Team Filastruder!

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filahopper.pdf 195.84 kb, 50 downloads since 2014-01-06 

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Re: Filahopper

Doesn't open in OSX/preview.

There's a few on thingiverse:


3 (edited by SharkBait 2014-01-06 04:47:40)

Re: Filahopper

It looks like you've Split it in half down the middle, Might make it easy to print, But try removing it without running everything through the hopper first and your going to get a whole hopper of pellets on the floor.

I'm keen to see something like the current removable hopper, but for vertical. (Edit: Elmoret beat me to it, looks like one already exists. Excellent.)

Also the tab is nice, Especially if your going to use a bottle. But I have a home made case so it would never fit, Best make one with one without for those with the covers.

4 (edited by COASTER19 2014-01-06 05:04:33)

Re: Filahopper

Looks good to me!  I've been wanting to go vertical for a while now, however no vertical (not 45 degree) removable hoppers are on thingiverse yet so I've been holding off.  Taking the nozzle part off again just to change hoppers seems like such a waste of time when these 2-part hoppers allow it to be done without touching it.  I'll gladly print one of these!

Edit: Didn't see the last link of elmoret's post (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:219463) which was posted only earlier today!


Re: Filahopper

Open the PDF in acrobat (free app!). Then you get the cool 3d preview. Tim, I saw those other hoppers, this is designed to be easier to print and have a smoother inside ramp. See any problems with the design, improvements?


Re: Filahopper

I despise all things Adobe, but I downloaded it anyway. Looks fine. You probably want larger bosses on the 5 screw holes closest to the nipple - there's a surprising amount of stress in that area. I'd also recommend maintaining more of a slant all the way to the cutout.


Re: Filahopper

Sharkbait, I have no intentions of removing the hopper once attached. It will only hold just a little bit more pellets than the horizontal hoppers and the others on thingiverse. I suppose I could tip the unit to dump the pellets, right? I guess that's how it's done.


Re: Filahopper

Yup! Or run until empty.


Re: Filahopper

Thanks for the feedback Tim!


Re: Filahopper

Here is my latest REV of the hopper chute. Be sure to open in Acrobat, and then click on the image to access 3d features.

It goes together with M3 x 50mm socket cap screws, nuts, and washers.

The two halves make it easy to print, and can be sanded nice and smooth to allow the pellets to move along.

I also strengthen the parts (by adding a couple more screws), and carried an angle into the mouth of the barrel.

Next up, I'll draw the container that fits into the top opening of the hopper chute, it will fit into the opening like a vac hose into an attachment.

Post's attachments

filahopperREV2.pdf 173.24 kb, 26 downloads since 2014-01-07 

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Re: Filahopper

I'm running the FilaBottle (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:157575) vertically. It ends up with the bottle at 45 degrees, but the pellets feed fine. The main advantage is that you can store pellets in 1 and 2 litre bottles, which is convenient (since they're easily available for free). And this design has a stopper so you can take the bottle off without pellets flying all over the place.

The main drawback is that because it sticks into a hopper that's horizontal when the Filastruder is vertical, I have to use an elastic band to hold it in place, which works fine, but looks a bit silly.


Re: Filahopper

Laird, I like the 2liter bottle idea, thanks for commenting. Since I have no hopper chute yet I will probably print up my design (especially since it will be all the way vertical), but I think it also now makes sense to print a little adapter to fit the bottles into the top of my hopper chute. Besides, why waste time printing out a bottle? I like the dry storage aspect too. Pellets always come out of the little opening??


Re: Filahopper

If you make your hopper the same shape as the standard one (I used X = 20, Y = 39, Depth = 40) perhaps plus 1mm on everything for clearance, then the bottle adapter would fit into it. That has the advantage that it's got a 'stopper' in the design, so you can use that to block the pellets if you want to remove the bottle before it's empty.

Alternatively, I also published a "2 liter bottle thread" object, which you can subtract from your design to let a 2 liter bottle screw into it.


Re: Filahopper

Thank you Laird!


Re: Filahopper

I made a verticle 45 degree hopper based off another removable one there heres the link http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:219463


Re: Filahopper

npeshman wrote:

I made a verticle 45 degree hopper based off another removable one there heres the link http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:219463

I wish I could use that one. But I have the assembled case, so I have to go through the exiting hole (or cut up the case...). But what I worked out was that you could run a tube at an angle within the horizontal hopper's volume, so running vertical the pellets are still running down a slope even though the hopper is horizontal.