Topic: "Model goes from -200 Z".... what?

Ok, just getting into this, so I have fiddles with none of the settings in the software...

Still waiting on the printer, so all I have is the soft side to get used to until it arrives,

so I downloaded the all-in-one install,
and every time I run the slicer,  it seems fine,

but when I open the gcode in pronterface, it tells me the model starts at -200 on the z axis, and also seems to add a single line to the layer going x = y the length of the printing plate...

is this normal?


Re: "Model goes from -200 Z".... what?

The start code has the nozzle run 200mm toward an endstop, rather than just telling it to home that axis.  As a result, pronterface thinks the print will start at Z-200 because it doesn't know that the endstop will be hit long before then.

3 (edited by Mr_Smigs 2012-11-14 20:05:33)

Re: "Model goes from -200 Z".... what?

now that all makes sense.  thanks.

0,0,0  is the center of the printer bed too, right?


Re: "Model goes from -200 Z".... what?

The firmware is setup for the centre to be bed raised, nozzle at the front left. I don't use Pronterface so I can't comment on how is needs to be setup.