1 (edited by spapadim 2013-10-20 14:40:51)

Topic: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

Work-in-progress, but far along enough to demonstrate idea.  Basically, a threaded rod with a sweeper attached to it, and a curved slide at the end to raise the sweeper.  Other than that, just needs an endstop input and a stepper driver, plus some basic code (using an Arduino Mini and a A4988 on a breadboard currently, not shown in video). Once it is complete and tested (which, given my free time, might be a while smile ), I plan to post design (SCAD/STL, Eagle, and code) under CC.

Pretty simple overall, only catch is that threaded rod needs to be left-handed (and mine was pretty bent, as you can see -- mail ordered, didn't have luxury to choose).  Fits completely inside frame (that was a design goal) and requires minimal modifications (just a couple of mounting holes, although in the video the whole thing isn't screwed down).


Re: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

Great mechanism! I think a lot of people would pay cash-money for this as a kit.


Re: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

I wish I could find a pointer to a video someone posted in this forum not too long ago. It showed a really terrific sweeper (but possibly a more complicated one that needs more motors). It had a wedge that slid under the part to remove it when going one way, then a flat edge to shove the part out the side when going the other, but if I recall, it did need a second arm to shove the part over to the other side of the wedge.


Re: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

I've seen a couple of sweepers, but seemed too complex and/or had too many things sticking out of the frame.  Hence this.  However, even if the bent rod / overconstrained geometry issues are resolved (e.g., flex coupler and/or remove bearing), I have no intuition about stresses on various parts, so I'll just play with it and see what cracks/fails, if anything.  Hoping I can get away without a blade if I let print cool down enough.


Re: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

Claghorn wrote:

I wish I could find a pointer to a video someone posted in this forum not too long ago. It showed a really terrific sweeper (but possibly a more complicated one that needs more motors). It had a wedge that slid under the part to remove it when going one way, then a flat edge to shove the part out the side when going the other, but if I recall, it did need a second arm to shove the part over to the other side of the wedge.

I think it may have been a group who was trying to convert a solidoodle to be able to print continually remotely.

6 (edited by 3d-oodler 2013-11-19 17:04:05)

Re: [WIP] Print sweeper proof-of-concept

New Valence Robotics (http://nvbots.com/)