Topic: EC3 connectors for power?

I've been trying to figure the best way to get more power into my printrboard to run a QU-BD bed heater.

Looking at the eagle files for the printrboard, I see the existing barrel connector has a "unique" layout for the connection with the PCB, one that is unlikely to match any kind of higher power rated connector I could substitute.

I stumbled across these on amazon:

http://www.amazon.com/Connectors-3-5mm- … +connector

Seems like I might be able to just use them inline on a power cable and solder wires to the power input on the printrboard.

Any opinions on this silly plan or the connectors in question? (There are also EC5 connectors out there with even higher power rating, but the EC3 claims 60A which should be enough).

I guess I'd want to do much the same thing with the cables out to the QU-BD as well?