1 (edited by utt.josh 2012-11-01 16:52:35)

Topic: Mis Aligned Axis

Hello, Here is where I think the problem began.  I was printing and the filament got hung up and caused it to break, thankfully I caught it because I was going to leave it printing by itself.  I believe when this happened it caused the y axis to become misaligned.  I say this because I loaded a rectangular box print and it is centered and even shows up centered on ponterface.  When it start to print it goes about 3/4 of an inch off the bed.  Could the belt have slipped where it connects to the stepper motor and thrown it off?  How does one align it back to center?  Thanks in advance.


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

That kind of problem usually has more to do with start code.  What are you using to orient the print, and slice it?  What does the start gcode look like?  Does the print you were doing before it got hung up still print properly, or was it the box?


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

In pronterface have you changed the settings under build dimensions to the following

If you have the default settings and you're seeing the preview centered it won't be on the bed when you start to print


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

The start of the gcodeL

G1 X200.0 F3000
G1 Y200.0 F3000
G1 X-82.0 Y-76.0 F3000
G1 Z-200.0 F500
G1 Z5.0 F500
G1 Z-10.0 F250
G92 X0 Y0 Z0 E0
M104 S210.0
G1 X-30.8 Y-76.48 Z0.6 F2400.0
G1 F600.0
G1 E0.65
G1 F2400.0
G92 E0

Well everything is default and I am using skienforge to slice and replicatorG to center.  I have only had my printer for about a week and have printed multiple things and they all started in the exact center of the bed, but now since my mishap it is now off center.  I may try to loosen the belt pulley and move the print carriage back the amount it moved to begin with and see if that fixes it.


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

After homing X and Y, does it go to the center to home Z, or does it go somewhere else?


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

It is at the center on the x axis but not on the y.


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

Is Y more toward the front, or the back?  If it is toward the back and not moving far enough, maybe a pulley has come loose and is slipping.


Re: Mis Aligned Axis

It is more towards the front.  I am going to try to adjust it tonight.  Its not something that keeps me from printing small objects, just full sized.  Will let you know how it turns out.