Topic: Hi Definition Printing

I am currently trying to get the printer to print with 0.1mm layers and am having trouble with the nozzle not giving enough space without scraping the layers when going over them again. Has anyone done the layers at 0.1 and what other settings need to be adjusted in order for this to work? Thanks


Re: Hi Definition Printing

Which slicer are you using?  If it is Skeinforge, you would need to reduce the flow rate to 1/3 of what is was.  If it is 2.1 at .3mm layersm then at .1mm layers it would need to be .7

If you are using Slic3r the flow rate is adjusted automatically.  If it is too much, you can reduce the Extrusion Multiplier a little and see if that helps.


Re: Hi Definition Printing

I am using skeinforge and have adjusted the flow to .7 but am still having problems with not enough vertical clearance. I will try reducing the flow some more. Thanks for your help.


Re: Hi Definition Printing

Ok... I switched to using slic3r and am using Repetier Host as the interface to the printer and I am able to print at .15mm. This looks good enough for the most part. I am though seeing more brittleness in the piece even though I am doing 100% fill. I will upload pictures tonight(I am at work).