Topic: OrdBot Hadron user

I have had my OrdBot Hadron for about a month now

ATI mechanicals

mBot Mk7 extruder
Replaced the thermocouple on the extruder with a thermistor
12v heated bed

Arduino Mega 2560
RAMPS1.4 with motor divers installed
Reprap Ramps 1.4 smart LCD controller inclunding smart adapter including 4GB SD

Marlin firmware (with mods for Ordbot and LCD/SD
Repetier-Host 074 / Slic3r 093 running on Windows XP64 desktop

Most of my posts have been on buildlog.net

Still trying to set it up to get good prints

Many similarities with doodle -- many differences    extruder moves not bed

Movies on my Youtube channel
cozmacray - YouTube

Have Phun


Re: OrdBot Hadron user

Good, Bad, Ugly 
Some parts and waste (or practice) out of OrdBot Hadron

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Good-Bad-Ugly.jpg 1.01 mb, 2 downloads since 2012-10-28 

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Re: OrdBot Hadron user

Every time I finish a spool of plastic, I wonder where it all went.  Mostly into the spaghetti bucket it seems.

Why did you replace the thermocouple?  I always heard that it more accurate than using a thermistor.


Re: OrdBot Hadron user

Thermistor would plug right into RAMPS board.
Thermocouple required a separate board to read it.