Topic: 3D Printing Hardware/Firmware/Software 101

Hi guys,

very recently, solidoodle requested I write an article on how the firmware works for those wanting to change it. I've written what I hope is a very thorough but easily understood guide to hardware, firmware and software and how they relate to each other.

The article covers the basics of Arduino so those interested in it should have a read. The important parts of the configuration.h have been also been explained.

As the article says, if there are any errors or additions, feel free to edit them in.

http://www.soliwiki.com/3D_Printing_Har … ftware_101


Re: 3D Printing Hardware/Firmware/Software 101

lawsy wrote:

Hi guys,

very recently, solidoodle requested I write an article on how the firmware works for those wanting to change it. I've written what I hope is a very thorough but easily understood guide to hardware, firmware and software and how they relate to each other.

The article covers the basics of Arduino so those interested in it should have a read. The important parts of the configuration.h have been also been explained.

As the article says, if there are any errors or additions, feel free to edit them in.

http://www.soliwiki.com/3D_Printing_Har … ftware_101

Props once again for writing an informative article.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.