1 (edited by jtclary89 2013-08-07 23:02:36)

Topic: Just order an SD3...hands are a little shakey

My name is Jeong and I just ordered my first 3D printer for my birthday. SD3 to be exact. I'm hoping that this becomes the experience that I've dreamed of. No experience what so ever, but I like learning. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a b-e-a-utiful relationship.

Also, does anyone know of a beginner's guide to everything SD3? If not, no worries, I'll figure things out


Re: Just order an SD3...hands are a little shakey

Welcome aboard, I've just received mine, and am also very new to it all. However, with a bit of calibration my printer is working great. I'm sure it will only get better as I continue to tweak and adjust it.

Don't be afraid to do the Y-axis calibration, it made a world of difference, you will find instructions in the forums here and on the Wiki.


Re: Just order an SD3...hands are a little shakey

You want to become familiar with some of the basic adjustments such as "Z tab","leveling" and "true circle".Watch the videos at this site:

http://vimeo.com/search/page:1/sort:rel … solidoodle


Re: Just order an SD3...hands are a little shakey

You guys are seriously the bomb dot com.