1 (edited by Tomek 2012-10-24 00:42:25)

Topic: Trade my Black Spool for your Any-other-color? Boston/Northshore area

Hello everyone,

if you by chance lie under the narrow categories of

1) having solidoodle ABS or PLA
2) live in the northshore /boston new england area or the berkeley CA area (I'll be there for a few days around Nov2)
3) want to trade 1kg of your ABS or maybe PLA for 1kg of my black ABS from solidoodle


please let me know. I have recently (technically, still pending) purchased a used solidoodle along with 1kg of black ABS (*technically, it has been used for 5 prints and I will weigh to the gram and compensate for what's lost).  I already happen to own 10lbs of ABS from a cheaper manufacturer, and because of a lack of capital would love to see if anyone wanted to trade it out and then I'd have one more color to play with.

I am being presumptive and posting this ahead of time before I have the stuff on hands because I assume this is a tiny market and I will therefore need to keep this up for a while before I have any chance of response.
