Topic: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

Hello world!

I have a SD3 with the new motherboard build with an ATMEL1286....

I did not succeed in updating the firmware by any previously approved methods! So, the question is:

Please, does someone know how to update the firmware of SD3 built with an ATMEL1286???


Re: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

Here is the link for info on the new SD board ie... Printrboard mainboard including info on how to update it: http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard


Re: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

Thank you for the link ronsii.

But i should be stupid... i try but it's impossible to communicate. I don't know if my card is CFC or DFU and there is no clear indication what version is used. I try with mac, i try with windows..... i'm lost.

Is there someone who would try helping me and community (as people receiving the SD3 built with the new printr-solidoodle-board-hybrid is increasing) by posting  an illustrated tutorial for windows or mac? please!!! just for noobs that are not electronics specialist...

ps: why solidoodlesupport stopped supporting customizers after having sold the printer?

4 (edited by adrian 2013-07-08 14:54:38)

Re: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

I'll be posting firmware instructions for my new board which is identical in a firmware respect to the new Solidoodle motherboard - but I wont be releasing my firmware until I have had a chance to test it personally.

It'll be about 2-3 weeks away based on when I get my boards back from fabrication.

If by that time Solidoodle have still failed to comply with their licence (they are using Open Source firmware and Open Source Hardware but not releasing the source code to either despite repeated requests) - then feel free to use my firmware - it'll work just fine.

http://www.soliforum.com/topic/3084/ann … hup-spuds/

But I'm not prepared to release it publicly until I have tested it firsthand... I hate developing remotely wink


Re: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

Thank you adrian, it's a great work!!!
It will be difficult to wait....

I think solidoodle will lose customers if they do not deal with this issue.... bad and sad publicity!

6 (edited by adrian 2013-07-08 15:34:45)

Re: SD3 new motherboard atmel1286 firmware update

I've given you 95% of the info over at http://www.soliforum.com/topic/3098/gui … board-wip/

The crucial piece of uploading (outside of using an ICSP programmer) is still an unknown, as I haven't had any confirmation of what of the 4 different bootloaders they could be running that they are shipping - and all 4 have entirely different methods. But the method of compiling firmware will work for all 4 bootloaders.. its just the method of getting that firmware loaded that differs wink

Feel free to experiment with the uploading bit - all the other key bits are covered in the thread above. But I re-state as I did in there - I'm posting this based of my own development testing, and not based on having tested it on *actual* hardware...