Topic: Linux Instructions on Soliwiki.

I just created a page for using the Solidoodle 2 on Linux on Soliwiki:



Re: Linux Instructions on Soliwiki.

Thank you for doing this! This came in help today when I flashed the latest firmware from my rPi

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Linux Instructions on Soliwiki.

For what it is worth, Slic3r and Kisslicer also work on Ubuntu.  I've been using them the last couple of days to slice and then feed the printer gcode via Pronterface...  Couldn't get RH or Cura to talk to the printer.
