1 (edited by mcbride19 2013-06-25 14:03:19)

Topic: Cartouche de chauffe

Est-il possible de mettre une cartouche de chauffe ceramic 12v 40 W  sur la SD 2 sans changer l'alimentation ?
comme celle ci par exermple:
http://www.reprap-france.com/electroniq … v-40w.html

2 (edited by adrian 2013-06-25 14:21:37)

Re: Cartouche de chauffe

Maybe - the existing resistor bore hole on mine was 5mm. Your listing is 5.5.

I hand reamed it using a 6mm drill bit (the cartridge I used was 6mm)  that I inserted in a drill press and turned by hand to slightly ream the hole. I didn't need power to the drill - the heater block is very very soft.

You can not replace the insulation once installed - the cartridge extends beyond the heater block. So you will need some cotton insulation wrap, or lots of Kapton.


Re: Cartouche de chauffe

Thanks a lot !
so the power unit that came with the SD2 is strong enough for this ?

4 (edited by adrian 2013-06-25 14:44:34)

Re: Cartouche de chauffe

Hmm, I'm not familiar with the SD2 power supply.
The cartridge at 100% will need 3.3 Amps. The existing Resistor uses 2.5 Amps - so it needs 800ma more. This might be ok on your power supply.

You can limit the cartridge to only be able to run at 80%, which will slightly slow down heatup time, but will mean it only draws 2.5Amps. This is a setting in firmware.

I have long since upgraded my heated bed, so have a much more powerful power supply anyway.

Someone with an SD2 can perhaps confirm what the existing power supply is capable of - it might be able to take the extra 800ma just fine (thats not big in the scheme of things....)


Re: Cartouche de chauffe

ok thanks a lot wink

6 (edited by [email protected] 2013-06-25 16:04:41)

Re: Cartouche de chauffe

Oui elle marche tres bien sur la SD
C est ce que j ai mis (du meme fournisseur)et ca marche et c est une qualité meilleure que celle d origine. !!!!
LE seul ennui c est que le diametre du corps de chauffe est plus petit....
Moi j y ai mis un bloqueur dedans.....


Re: Cartouche de chauffe

Oui mais est-ce que l'alimentation de la SD3 est la même que celle de la SD 2 ?

Re: Cartouche de chauffe

J en sais rien..Mais celle de la mienne (SD3) elle est pas enorme.... Ca m etonnerait qu ils y ait mis une plus petire quand meme...