Topic: Filastruder plans?

Does anyone have blueprints of making one of these?  Yes I have seen some of the youtube postings stating to use a 0.75" wood auger in a tube with some form of heater on the end.

Yet I need better info, like:
-rpms of auger.
-amount of torque required
-does a larger auger work better than a small one?
-or is a smaller auger better?
-heater build

I am an open book, write on my pages that I may learn the wisdom that you posses.


Re: Filastruder plans?


There are no design documents published, only assembly and operation. Many of the parts are prohibitively expensive to buy in single unit quantities.

Your best best is to email [email protected] to get on the wait list - you'll be notified as soon as one is ready to be ordered/shipped. It might be sooner than Solidoodle delivers your printer. wink


Re: Filastruder plans?

Hey downeasta, If you are looking to maybe build or design one yourself most people start with lymans design http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:30642 and go from there, there are lots of specs in the notes.


Re: Filastruder plans?

Never mind.  I found another thread that explained the futility of trying.  Not that I wont try at a later date.

I am an open book, write on my pages that I may learn the wisdom that you posses.