Topic: My Infinity Clocks Kickstarter Campaign is LIVE

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share my Kickstarter Campaign with all of you.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/954 … alog-clock

not only was all my prototyping done with my SD2, but I will also be using my SD2 in manufacturing these innovative clocks.

I have made these great new circuit boards:  1 x ATMega 328, 4 x TLC5940, an 88 mm. ring of LED's, and all the nice support parts.  These can be turned into a wide range of clock-based items.

These work great with my Eclipse Clock thing: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:34306

If you go to my Kickstarter Campaign, and order the BareBones kit, leave me a note that you're from SoliForum, I'll include all the parts...