1 (edited by ysb 2013-06-01 14:48:01)

Topic: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

ok... i promise to put my .ini file for the last version (1.1) of kisslicer.. for a SD2

(you need to change this line in the start gcode for SD3 :

G1 X145 Y145 F3000 ; move to back right corner

and the Bed size / bed center in the printer tab)

this is it..

you just have to pût the 4 files in your kisslicer directory (overwrite)

there is already a good start and end gcode (start gcode make an anchor in the top righ corner and warm the extruder to 190 degC)

depending of your filament you can reduce a little the flowrate in repetier host (down to 98-99%).

the speed is a bit hight if you make a small-medium print (reduce to 50-70% feedrate in RH)

there is only 2 perimeters and it work VERY WELL for 0.2mm layer

have fun

Post's attachments

_materials.ini 543 b, 69 downloads since 2013-05-31 

_printers.ini 3.87 kb, 69 downloads since 2013-05-31 

_styles.ini 934 b, 61 downloads since 2013-05-31 

_supports.ini 216 b, 65 downloads since 2013-05-31 

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Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer


I for one will be trying this out as I start to play with kisslicer.

Thanks very much for sharing.


Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

ysb wrote:

you just have to pût the 4 files in your kisslicer directory (overwrite)

I think one could also cut and paste the contents into the existing .ini files and assuming you had appropriate titles you'd be able to pick and choose between this and other settings, no?

And - thanks for posting these.


PS Did a repository of various users settings files for different packages ever get set up anywhere?  I thought I recalled a thread about something like that ...

4 (edited by Randavian 2013-06-07 02:06:01)

Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

ysb - I just got the chance to download Kisslicer and I viewed your ini settings.  I'm curious if the temp settings are correct.  the Main temp is set to 250C, and the first layer is set to 255C and the keep warm is 180C.  Is that saying you heat your extruder up to 250 to 255 C?


Edit:  Nevermind.  Apparently I was looking at the default ini settings


5 (edited by ysb 2013-06-08 18:55:44)

Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

warning : i found a little glitch in KS... even if you set support to off, it didn't reset the Support Z-roof value...

SO... as i set a value of 7mm the last time i used support, the value is still there...
this is the maximum height of the support..

you need to set this value to 0 (tab support in kissclicer, Support Z-roof = -1 ) to have full support on full height ..

sorry .. wink

EDIT : Correction... the support z-roof need to be -1 instead of 0

6 (edited by mikefree41 2013-06-08 15:19:07)

Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

I have a question about KISSlicer for the SD3. In one of the start lines it has "G1 X145 Y145 F3000 ; move to back right corner" . When I run it starts at home but moves out to maybe 40mm in the X and Y and the platform raises and it extrudes a small glob waits a while and then proceeds to print. This glob could easily be in the way. It used to drop the glob off of the fron left corner. What have I screwed up? I really like KS but am still getting my feet wet.

7 (edited by ysb 2013-06-08 19:02:42)

Re: Kisslicer 1.1 ini files for 0.2mm layer

the blob of pastic is an 'Anchor'. it's to prepare the printer to extrude (and to remove any space oozing)

this ini is for an SD2..

for an SD3, you need to change some little thing as i write upper..

the line G1 X145 Y145 F3000
need to be changed to G1 X195 Y195 F3000

put the setting level on EXPERT and go to the printer tab

in this screen you need to change :

bed size : from 159 150 150   to  209 200 200
bed centrer : from 75 75 to 100 100