Topic: Switching between ABS<>PLA


Is there some good advice on how to switch from ABS to PLA

My main concern is clogging up the hotend-nozzle since I heard that the filaments don't mix well (in the extruder)
Also, what's the suggested setting in terms of temperature for the (Hotend / Bed) or is this material specific?



Re: Switching between ABS<>PLA

Yeah, I'd like to know too, I've clogged my nozzle switching back and forth.


Re: Switching between ABS<>PLA

There was a recent thread about this at the RepRap forum - http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,158085


Re: Switching between ABS<>PLA

I imagine it would help if you cleaned the nozzle with some acetone. I've never tried it myself.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.