Topic: Hello from the Midlands of S. Carolina

Mid Western transplant down here loving the weather.

I have a Solidoodle 3 and have been getting advice from here since the buying process so wanted to say thanks.


Re: Hello from the Midlands of S. Carolina

Hi Mic!

I used to live in Simpsonville, SC.  What kind of things are you making with your SD?

SD2, glass bed, MK5 setup with E3D lite extruder
NX and Solid Edge CAD user
PI, Galileo, and arduino hacker
Code Monkey and Twitter user @burhop


Re: Hello from the Midlands of S. Carolina

Ive been doing a lot of lithopanes lately. With the thingiverse customizer and an app I found free on thingi. Plastics not cheap and I hope to do some of the panes the app makes that don't have the heavy border to sell. Do custom jobs with their photos.

I did quite a bit with trimmer line. Got a way figured out to keep it planted during printing. I like working with it when I need something tough. It soaks up epoxy like a sponge. Its layer bonding isn't as strong as abs because a SD can't get it hot enough but just painting it with a few coats of clear nail polish  makes it considerably stronger. Its stringy and has very high tensile strength. I designed my own hooks and printed them for the house and shop.

My favorite thing I have printed is the banana shaped banana slicer off of thingi.


Re: Hello from the Midlands of S. Carolina

There are a lot of good "CAD" tools out there if you want to make your own stuff.

SD2, glass bed, MK5 setup with E3D lite extruder
NX and Solid Edge CAD user
PI, Galileo, and arduino hacker
Code Monkey and Twitter user @burhop