Topic: can someone get this into a solidoodle printable format for me

my wife wants one of these http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5054 but i cant seem to import it into a printable format. i tried importing it into tinkecad and its too large. any help would be most appreciated. tinkercad is currently the extent of my 3d design skills.
I also tried opening it with skeinforge but its not coming out correctly.


Re: can someone get this into a solidoodle printable format for me

repetier host opened it just fine...


Re: can someone get this into a solidoodle printable format for me

I am not familiar with Repetier host, i guess I will need to check it out. i have been using pronterface/skeinforge and just followed the FAQ on solidoodle site.  thanks for the info.


Re: can someone get this into a solidoodle printable format for me

I followed this guide: http://solidoodletips.wordpress.com/201 … tier-host/