Topic: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

we have a large mask sewing group in my area so i have started printing the bios tape making jig.

Ultimaker S3.


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

I build highways and as an infrastructure worker, we cannot be shut down even through Martial Law due to the National Response Framework Act. With that said, when cutting concrete, dumping/spreading limerock, etc., we are exposed to high levels of silica and other carcinogens as well as mercury, lead, sulfur....you get the idea.
We have ZERO respirators. None. Our stockpile is gone throughout our SE region so I'm printing respirators for workers at most risk (cancer, diabetes, asthma, HIV, etc). Rowan University shared their design for a completely reusable respirator that I'm handing out to those most in need. The design is for PLA, but I'm sizing with PETG due to Florida heat.

Quick rant:
I get the issue with first responders and medical staff needing masks, I really do. But the average Joe needs to stay inside. Joe does NOT need N95 masks to go buy scratch off tickets and buy liquor. I've seen these people in public and they don't even know how to properly use them. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2019 and I cannot find respirators, sanitizers, or disinfectant wipes because of hoarders. I'm not so much worried about myself as I am for my neighbor who has stage 4 vaginal cancer and is going through chemo and radiation simultaneously. Her immune system is a parking lot and she relies on my wife and I to take out the trash, bring her groceries, and walk her dog. Because we cannot find life saving essentials because of PEOPLE WHO DO NOT NEED THEM ARE HOARDING THEM, I may not die, but as infected carriers, we will certainly kill the poor woman.

Stop buying shit you don't need, stay inside, and you will save someone's life. Sorry, but not sorry.
End Rant.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

Right there with ya, Azerate..

I am one also at higher risk. I chose to self quarantine before the state mandated it. I have left the house exactly 3 times since (starting 3/17) and that was to purchase essential groceries only.

it is maddening that so many people are either hoarding goods, or simply ignoring the orders to stay home. You know when they close the bars, casinos AND churches that things are serious. (and yes, H#ll has officially frozen over, because all 3 things have happened here)

(and dubbsd - it is bias, not bios - spelling does still matter. might seem trivial at a time like this, but it is still important.)

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

My wife is over 70 and high risk i am in my 60s and retired the end of last month so I only go out for groceries when I have to.
(she stays home) their is a local facebook group of about 1700 people that are making masks for the hospital's all of them That are not working are staying at home and sewing at home NOT IN GROUPS . but their is no elastic or bios tape left in the stores so they need the Bios tape Makers that I am printing.

Ultimaker S3.


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

roll it is BIAS - with an A - not bios!

two very different things!

depending on the type of masks being made, you can use shoe laces, paracord, Nylon string..
there are number of ways to make ties for these. Bias tape is only one option.

this is the version I am making for myself and my other half: https://twin-cities.umn.edu/news-events … g-covid-19
I am using paracord for the ties, since I have plenty of it, in various colors, on hand.

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

I make my own mask for myself and my partner - to be honest you don't know what goes into masks made nowadays. I've seen many that are made from dubious factories. To stay safe, I use my own ingredients. I was staying in Singapore for a while and got to know about this video from a friend https://www.a-star.edu.sg/News-and-Even … -diy-mask. A Star is the Singapore government's research arm so you can trust this information. Hope this helps you guys! smile


Re: are you helping in the fight against Covid 19

Yeah we are also preparing our own mask as 3rd wave is again starting in few countries.