Topic: stall board issue ? extruding at 11.3v 0.76A 08.5P

ive been trying to increase the voltage and amps up to spec using the cv and ca screws i have spent 3 hrs turning the screws with no increase to amps or voltage is there an issue with my stall board


Re: stall board issue ? extruding at 11.3v 0.76A 08.5P


Check soldering.
Components move around a lot and may have a broken leg.


Re: stall board issue ? extruding at 11.3v 0.76A 08.5P

Is this with the motor attached to the stall protection board, or the heater?


Re: stall board issue ? extruding at 11.3v 0.76A 08.5P

I am having the same problem.  I have been turning my left screw (cv) for 3 hours counter clockwise and it still has not made a clicking noise like the right one does.  I'm going to count 500 more full turns and declare it bad.  When on and trying to adjust it jumps 13.1-13.5 in and a 1.2V on the out. I turned the Right screw 8 full turns from the 0 position, but even if I spend an hour turning the right screw it never increases from 1.2V.  I can turn it 100 times clockwise and then 3 times counter clockwise and I already reached the click.   I am trying to get some blue light to kick on like it shows in the video, but I am only getting a green light on the full icon.  Video wasn't much help, when most the stuff is just fast forwarded when you are trying to figure out what is going on, and then the explanation is like we knew what the problem was during the fast forwarded section when he was actually troubleshooting the problem we are trying to resolve our self. 

I have a feeling these stall boards were poorly assembled and these boaters are actually bad internally, or something is being screwed up when they hot glue the usb port.   My Serial # is 5164.