Topic: I need the best suggestion for a Filastruder auger replacement

I was half asleep when I flipped the motor switch on my Filastruder before warm up.
It was on and right back off, but I have a little wobble to my barrel.
I am sure that little tweek must have bent the auger.

I want to replace the auger and would like a recommendation as to what has worked best for others.
The Plasticator


Re: I need the best suggestion for a Filastruder auger replacement

We (Filastruder) sell them separately, just don't have them listed on the website since they shouldn't have to ever be replaced and we'd like to sort out why they're needed so they don't get receptively damaged. If you need one, email support at filastruder dot com.


Re: I need the best suggestion for a Filastruder auger replacement

OK, Thank you.
I will be removing auger when this run is finished tonight.
I may have a chunk stuck in a flute or something.
I didn't notice the slight barrel wobble until today. at the extrusion point it is only about a filament diameter wobble.
It isn't making any rubbing sounds, and is still extruding like a champ.
I will beat 2 lbs in 9hrs this run.
Man this thing runs great!


Re: I need the best suggestion for a Filastruder auger replacement

Well it turns out I had some ABS fused to the auger.
Cleaned it and my melt filter, reassembled and all is well.
I think I got lucky this time.