Topic: cartridges and da vinci printer not compatible


What is the best way forward to get it setup?
I would also like to know if there was supposed to be a chip in every cartridge? I only have 1 out of 3 sealed boxes.

I'm very new to the 3d print, tech talk, coding world (love it} but a absolute turd.

Last night I was bragging a bit to my wife and acted like I know what is what - "I just said a few websites names, like soliforum, thingverse, makerbot and also random things right after each other like - arduino, python, raspberries pi, rfid, ntag213 216,mifare, root, flash etc... And she was stoked, she said wow m it didn't understand the language but it seems like you have learned a lot ????????. Me: yeah yeah darling, mens stuff. Very complicated high grade Scalextric, Lego, and tv games... But we are creating it. A lot like when you make your nails so pretty, like fine art. And your hair, heaven knows how you get it so perfect - straight out of Hollywood.

I got served 3 beers and a backrub after that...