1 (edited by solidboredom 2020-04-27 12:07:57)

Topic: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

took me quite a while to figure how to do it on linux (marlin 2 has temperature correction for extrusion speed and other great features to improve your prints ) i have also prepared the marlin 2.0.x configuration files - hope it helps somebody, so here it goes :
HOW TO PUT MARLIN 2.0.X on solidoodle3 with Solidoodle Motherboard Rev.e (or printrboard).

created on 04.03.2020 using Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits (but should work on any comparable linux).

TAKE CARE !!! It raises extruders temperature shutoff limit (it is now 275 C, unless you reduce it - see below), as well as limits in intentionally moving printhead against walls :-() (an unfixed yet configuration bug)


0. Extract the contents of the configuration file archive (attached to this post) into a folder we call "solidupdate", extract everything else below, into the same folder, so the items make subfolders in the "solidupdate":

1. get arduino 1.8.12 from https://www.arduino.cc/download_handler … x64.tar.xz and extract into subfolder ardiuno_1.8.12_withTeensy  (Arduinos folders:  hardware, lib, tools,... the arduino binary and its other files should now be directly inside ardiuno_1.8.12_withTeensy )

2. get https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_151/Teen … ll.linux64 from teensy, put an executable permission on it,then run it: ./TeensyduinoInstall.linux64
and install into the same ardiuno_1.8.12_withTeensy folder. (DO NOT INSTALL ANY LIBRARIES IT WANTS TO INSTALL: uncheck everything)

3. get the file https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/49-teensy.rules and save it into to the "solidupdate" folder as 49-teensy.rules
4. go to the "solidupdate" folder and to install the 49-teensy.rules file, run:
sudo cp 49-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ 
afterwards  restart the system so it will restart the udev

5. get the bootloaderHid_cli from http://blog.lincomatic.com/wp-content/u … derHID.zip
end extract the content of the archive directly into BootloaderHid subfolder in the "solidupdate" folder

6. Now create a linux binary of bootloaderHid_cli by quickly compiling hid_bootloader_cli.c, to do so  go to BootloaderHID subfolder and run ./makebinary.sh

7.try running ./run_loader.sh to check it was created successfully

8. get marlin-2.0.x from https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin and extract into subfolder Marlin-2.0.x

9. copy files Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h from "solidupdate" folder over the according files inside Marlin-2.0.x/Marlin/



1. go to ardiuno_1.8.12_withTeensy subfolder and start arduino

2. load the sketch from  Marlin-2.0.x/Marlin folder

3. if you wish, adjust any of configuration.h and configuration_adv.h.but they are already adapted for solidoodle 3.  The rest of the files is just stock marlin 2.0.x
---UPDATED 16.03.20:  the configuration.h provided raises extruders temperature shutoff limit to 275 C.
this is to high if you have the stock solidoodle extruder, it is not designed for such high temperatures. the setting is easy to change. Just search the file configuration.h for HEATER_0_MAXTEMP and reduce the value to around 230.

4. in any case leave the board type as PRINTRBOARD in  configuration.h if you hve solidoodle motherboard rev.e, as it is already for Solidoodle Motherboard Rev. E

5. set arduinos output board to teensy++ 2.0  (the ++ is important or it will not compile,not just "teensy2.0"), and USB type:serial, speed: 16Mhz

6. compile with arduino and close the teensy popup window which pops up after successful compilation.

7. go the the temporary folder arduino generates to get the Marlin.ino.hex and copy it into the BootloaderHID folder back under "solidupdate"

8. put the programming jumper onto Printrboard(motherboard) of the printer, power up the printer, connect to computer, and press reset on the board (yes! there IS a small button there)

9.  go to BootloaderHID folder and run ./run_loader.sh and enter sudo's password, now you should see the programming progress
10.  after it finishes remove the jumper and press reset button on the motherboard again. thats it.

Post's attachments

solidupdate.zip 67.53 kb, 28 downloads since 2020-03-04 

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2 (edited by heartless 2020-03-04 22:27:00)

Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

if you are running the stock hotend i highly recommend you turn that temperature DOWN in the firmware! the stock hotend can not handle those temps and should not be allowed to reach those temps. Setting the correct temp limits in the firmware is VERY important.

If you are running an aftermarket hotend, find out what the limitations of that hotend are, and set the firmware temps accordingly.

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

i personally just have  upgraded to an ejd v6 clone hot end. what a difference !  but yes the temperature limits are easy to change in the configuration.h in step 3 of the update process described. who needs it just search the file configuration.h for HEATER_0_MAXTEMP and reduce the value.


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

Just compiled this with Marlin 2.0.3 on Windows and it works, as another note I was able to enable a REPRAP Smart Controller along with SD support, which is something that could not be done in previous versions. Also tried this with Marlin 2.0.5, however it failed to compile and literally said to update both of those configs, either way 2.0.3 is way better than early versions of Marlin.


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

Hey Tiltrelia nice to hear REPRAP Smart Controller and especially the SD are usable now. also personally very glad you could use my post.  Not too many solidoodles are still in use, i assume.

6 (edited by Tiltrelia 2020-03-16 17:39:32)

Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

I actually got my solidoodle for free from my school due to the x/y axis being super stiff. I have an Ender 3 Pro as well, but the enclosed chamber on my SD4 makes printing ABS a lot easier. As another note my board behaves a bit strangely when running any of the marlin 2.0.X versions, when I plug the board into my PC it connects to it, then disconnects a few seconds later. I don't know why exactly this is happening, but I tried compiling in both the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO IDE with the same result. Any chance that you could upload a compiled version of what you are using? I am also using a V6 clone.

EDIT: I went through your configs and manually updated the values for marlin 2.0.1, thanks for adding the //SD Patch comments, and it actually shows up on my pc now. oof


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

Tiltrelia sorry for the late reply. I actually manually merged the original SD3 configuration file with the new conf from Marlin 2.0 so the SD patch comment originates from Santana himself i think.
do you still need the compiled binary? i am not quite sure i can add it here, because it is based of a lot of open source licensed soft, and that would be distribution i guess. but i could put it somewhere for you


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux


Thank you a lot for your guide!
Based upon this, I built an automated way to flash Marlin on the Solidoodle rev-E board,
It gets the job done with only a couple of commands and the arduino IDE is not needed.

Right now it's updated to Marlin
Here is the github repository:
Let me know if it works for you smile

I only have a basic setup in Configuration.h, that is enough for me but it can easily be modified for anyone's needs.

Hope this can help someone smile


Re: instructions on how to ugrade Solidoodle 3 to Marlin 2.0.x on linux

St0rmingBr4in this looks  great and it is  very well described too, this is so cool, i almost want to try it and to upgrade for second time, this time saving all the work and using your toolchain, but i already did the upgrade..:)) i really hope more people will use your tool now and the good old solidoodles out there will continue their service with a modern firmware for many years on.. anybody knows what happened to Santana nowadays anyway? it there any news on him on this forum?