Topic: daVinci mini W+ prints old prints instead of selected print

This is going to be a two-fold post. The first part is about the problem, second is a question on information gathering about this damn printer.

A few weeks ago, I printed a housing for my google mini, and it turned out pretty good; if only because I've been tuning this printer for months now. Fast forward to the present, I've tried printing several different files, and it would seem the only thing that it wants to print is that housing. Is there an issue with these things not deleting old .gcode files? How can I do that?

Part the second: I have taken this printer to bits and found that it is powered by an Altmel ARM chip with a model number that turns up nothing on google. It has a Kingston 4GB eMMC chip soldered to the board. All of the connectors are nicely labeled, and there are several spots around the edges that have fun things labeled on them such as "Lighting", "Fan", "Speaker", and "MIC". All of the various numbers on the board turn up random Vietnamese websites and old NVIDIA graphics cards. Does anyone happen to know where these boards were manufactured or if there is a board schematic floating around the internet?


Re: daVinci mini W+ prints old prints instead of selected print

After doing a little digging on didgikey.com, I did find a data sheet on the ARM processor, not that it does any good for my current situation. I still can't find any data on the control board


Re: daVinci mini W+ prints old prints instead of selected print

Just an update, XYZ did get back to me on my support ticket (shocker). They won't release that sort of information (figures). Their solution to my issue was to log out of XYZPrint, restart my PC, log into XYZPrint, check for updates, then try a print. At this point, XYZPrint crashed anytime I went to add an object, so I just uninstalled it. After reinstalling it, updating XYZPrint, and giving it a test print, it works!

Before anyone interjects with "Just use CURA, it's sooooo much better!" I know it is, but the only reason why I'm sticking with XYZPrint until I can pony up for that sweet Ender 5, I have to keep using the auto level during prints because my print bed came with a .6mm warp from y+ and y- to center. Cura just drags the nozzle through the BuildTek plate and I don't fancy destroying those yet.