1 (edited by tchicken 2020-03-29 14:21:23)

Topic: Migration Repetier : The fool who missed the flashing of his printer

Good morning all,

I made bad manipulations with my Da Vinci 2.0a Duo second generation ;(

I used the last Arduino 1.8.12

Is it possible to catch the following errors :

the first time, I flashed with the following configuration :

// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################

#define DAVINCI 1// "0" if not DAVINCI, "1" For DAVINCI 1.0, "2" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 1 FAN, "3" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 2 FAN, 4 for AiO (WITH NO SCANNER SUPPORT)
#define MODEL  0//"0" for first generation (jumper JP1 to reset ) , "1" for new generation   (jumper J37 to reset)
#define REPURPOSE_FAN_TO_COOL_EXTRUSIONS 0 //Setting this to 1 will repurpose the main Extruder cooling fan to be controlled VIA M106/M107
                                           //Warning: for DaVinci 1.0 need to add a permanent fan with power supply to cool extruder

// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################

the second time, I flashed with the following configuration :

// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################

#define DAVINCI 3// "0" if not DAVINCI, "1" For DAVINCI 1.0, "2" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 1 FAN, "3" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 2 FAN, 4 for AiO (WITH NO SCANNER SUPPORT)
#define MODEL  0//"0" for first generation (jumper JP1 to reset ) , "1" for new generation   (jumper J37 to reset)
#define REPURPOSE_FAN_TO_COOL_EXTRUSIONS 0 //Setting this to 1 will repurpose the main Extruder cooling fan to be controlled VIA M106/M107
                                           //Warning: for DaVinci 1.0 need to add a permanent fan with power supply to cool extruder

// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################

the third time, I flashed with the right configuration :

// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################

#define DAVINCI 3// "0" if not DAVINCI, "1" For DAVINCI 1.0, "2" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 1 FAN, "3" For DAVINCI 2.0 with 2 FAN, 4 for AiO (WITH NO SCANNER SUPPORT)
#define MODEL  1//"0" for first generation (jumper JP1 to reset ) , "1" for new generation   (jumper J37 to reset)
#define REPURPOSE_FAN_TO_COOL_EXTRUSIONS 0 //Setting this to 1 will repurpose the main Extruder cooling fan to be controlled VIA M106/M107
                                           //Warning: for DaVinci 1.0 need to add a permanent fan with power supply to cool extruder

// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################

after all this nonsense, windows loops on printer recognition, but never recognize it !

The printer screen has two nice black bars ;(

I tried several times to flash with the right configuration, but I still have the same result.

Do you think I shot my card ?

What can I do ?

Thank you for your help.


The fool who doesn't speak good English ;(


Re: Migration Repetier : The fool who missed the flashing of his printer

Le Flashage est terminé, il me reste le paramétrage, d'ailleurs si vous aviez quelques trucs à me donner pour la suite des opérations je suis preneur.

J'ai fait un Tutoriel assez précis pour ceux qui passent par là : https://www.lesimprimantes3d.fr/forum/t … ent-339583

Il est en français, c'est tout de même mieux et plus clair que sur le Github ou faut faire des allers et retours sur des pages en anglais.

Par contre, en cas de pépin, ils répondent en français

The fool who doesn't speak good English ;(