1 (edited by tonycstech 2019-07-30 07:32:23)

Topic: Filawinder Filament Guide System v2.0

Download files from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3777364
I designed my own filament guide system because i was tired of SERVO guiding my filament either too far or not far enough.
I was also upset with SERVO to JUMP to a position when L or R buttons are pressed to adjust the position.
SERVO idea is great but i wish there was something different so i came up with this idea.

The way this works is
When spool makes full turn, 5V relay will activate motor that moves the guide. Guide move distance depends on how long relay stay active. That time is changed in firmware.
Once guide reaches either end of the rail, it will push momentary button placed on either end and reverse its direction.

Motor turns threaded rod. Nut is placed inside the guide part and rod goes through. Guide moves when threaded rod rotates by a motor.
Momentary buttons on each end activate very special relay (bistable). That relay is triggering the two channel relay that does the reversal.

Material required:
Second 12V 1A power supply to drive 2 channel relay and the motor
12v 2 channel relay (basic)
5v bistable relay (connect terminals and it closes, connect again and it opens)
5v relay (basic)
2 momentary push buttons
8mm diameter threaded rod and a nut, about 200-250mm long (depending on how you want to setup the motor)
smooth rod
linear motion bearing LM8UU (sits inside the guide)
12V 30x30x10 cooling fan (optional) If cooling fan mount is used, consider printing my own drive gear for needed clearance.
Screws, wires, connectors, soldering tool if you don't want to deal with connectors.

This is relay wiring diagram and the kinds of relay i used.

Firmware instructions:

I use Arduino 1.8.9
Required library: QTRSensors by Pololu
Library can be downloaded from Tools/Manage Libraries
Board/Arduino Nano
Processor/ATMega328p (old bootloader)
COM/What ever number device is connected to
Open filawinder.ino
Locate:        pinMode(12, INPUT);
Add under:    pinMode(A4, OUTPUT); //added line

Locate:        digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
Add under:    digitalWrite(A4, LOW); //added line
Locate:        bool logOn=false;
Add under:
//added variables for filament guide v2.0
unsigned long startMillis;  //some global variables available anywhere in the program //added line
unsigned long currentMillis; //added line
const unsigned long period = 3000;  //more time will move the guide further
// end of added variables
void setup ()
Add under:
startMillis = millis();  //initial start time //added line
void loop ()
Add under:
currentMillis = millis();  //get the current "time" //added line
if (currentMillis - startMillis >= period)  //test whether the period has elapsed
    digitalWrite(A4, LOW);//added line
Locate: guide_angle = (guide_angle + 1.17); }     //Move the guide +1.17 degree for 1.75mm filament
Change to:
 guide_angle = (guide_angle + 1.17);
    digitalWrite(A4, HIGH); //added line
    startMillis = currentMillis;  //IMPORTANT to save the start time of the current LED state. //added line
    }     //Move the guide +1.17 degree for 1.75mm filament
Post's attachments

original firmware 2017.zip 22.46 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

2 (edited by tonycstech 2019-07-30 07:31:52)

Re: Filawinder Filament Guide System v2.0

Firmware changes made.