1 (edited by 2n2r5 2019-02-11 02:40:15)

Topic: Solidoodle SD3 Frame in Fusion 360

I am stripping my old SD3 and turning it into a "SuperDoodle". I thought that it might be useful to others to have this file. This should allow you to essentially re-manufacture a new frame if you want. (I didn't put in the rivets)

If anyone feels like jumping in on the project, let me know and I will open it up to contributors.


SD3 w/ mods:
Glass bed with QU-BD heat pad upgrade, threadless ballscrew w/ 8mm smooth rod, spectra line belt replacement, lawsy MK5 extruder, Lawsy replacement carriage, E3D hotend, Ramps 1.4 w/ reprap discount controller, DRV8825 drivers, 12v 30A PS, Acrylic case, Overkill Y-idlers, Filament alarm, Extruder fan + more.


Re: Solidoodle SD3 Frame in Fusion 360

What is a super doodle ...I'm new here

rest easy in your beds.... as rough men are ready to do violence on your behalf.

totally modified SD4 lawsy carriages e3d V6 and rumba


Re: Solidoodle SD3 Frame in Fusion 360

a modified  improved solidoodle !!

Soliddoodle 4 stock w glass bed------Folger Tech Prusa 2020 upgraded to and titan /aero extruder mirror bed
FT5 with titan/ E3D Aero------MP mini select w glass bed
MP Utimate maker pro-W bondtech extruder
Marlin/Repetier Host/ Slic3r and Cura

4 (edited by jpers 2019-05-15 00:14:26)

Re: Solidoodle SD3 Frame in Fusion 360

I have totally modified all three of my Solidoodles. The latest one is a 3 that I upgraded the heat bed to a high current heater with a separate controller, the carriage is all metal now, I changed the thermister to a Thermocouple,  I also changed to a metal direct drive extruder and a high current heater (with seperate controller) for the hot end. I modified the firmware so I can now run up to 500 deg C for Ultem etc..
The Lawsy upgrades were done as well as a clear plastic enclosure with hinges for all three sides.
I print in ABS and Ultem now. It hardly looks like a solidoodle anymore.


Re: Solidoodle SD3 Frame in Fusion 360

