Topic: Filastruder : Recommended height and nozzle dia foe 2.85 mm


   I have two filastruder and one filawinder. I have already setup one filstruder for 1.75 mm filament and I'm getting 1.69-1.71 mm (ABS)filament with filawinder. I want to configure my second filastruder for 2.85 mm filament.
What drill should I use? I will be using 2.85 mm filastruder with filawinder too in vertical arrangement.

Filastruder documentation says 1/16" for 1.75 mm and 7/64" for 3 mm.
Should I go with 7/64 " for 2.85 mm too or something smaller ?

I have read some similar posts, and it says I should place filastruder such that distance between Nozzle and ground should be around 6-7 feet or 100 inch for 3 mm filament. But it's too tall. It'll be difficult to access.

Any recommendation how height nozzle should be for 2.85 mm filament, with filawinder? Also how height affects the diameter?

I have seen this http://www.soliforum.com/topic/10731/abs-3mm-extrusion/
From images it looks, like nozzle is around 4 feet from ground

What I'm trying to print is PEEK. How things would vary comparing with ABS ?
