Topic: uber newb

Hi, I'm a newb to the world of 3-d printing with not quire one full year into the game. I'm a student at the university of north georgia, and a newly minted maker. I got the filastruder because i am being swallowed by plastic from failed projects, i've probably got 10 kilos of failed prints, brims, skirts etc. Hopefully I can reclaim some of this. Where are y'all getting your tools from and where can I find a color coded wiring diagram?
Thanks, Matt


Re: uber newb

First off welcome to the board. There isnt an official color coded diagram. You have to follow wire polarities.

Sd4 #9080 with a glass bed. E3d chimera duel extruder. Paste extruder , duet wifi.
Lawsy carriages. linear bearings. Y axis direct drive, Kinect scanner
SD4#8188 glass bed, lawsly carriages, E3d v6, octoprint http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hotrod96z28
Filastruder/filawinder, Custom Delta 300mm x 600mm


Re: uber newb

Afraid I can't help you much with the filastruder, but wanted to say Hi & Welcome to Soliforum!

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1