Topic: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I think someone should design up a iphone mount that can fit to the solidoodles frame for time lapse video's, photo's etc

Dont have a printer so its really only an idea at the moment.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Yeah, I see  a lot of these on thingiverse for the makerbot, one for the solidoodle would be good.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I designed one specifically for the solidoodle.

However.... Having the camera attached to the solidoodle causes a TON of vibration on the camera.

I'm going to try a few more ideas before I post this design to thingiverse.  I think it should work okay with time lapse and the vibration, but as a video it's pretty annoying.

I designed the bracket so it can be resized for different phones / cases I have mine in an otterbox case.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

You can see its shakes, I'm working on that, I'm afraid it's related to how much the printer is jumping around though.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I see what you mean. Great start though.
Keep us updated on your progress...


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I doubled up the bracket, it's still too shaky

I'm not in love with this design anyways since it doesn't work if you have the cover on, which I hope to put on someday.

Post's attachments

phone.JPG 2.43 mb, 5 downloads since 2012-08-27 

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Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Looks great!

I placed my order 08-18-2012, ID: 3676, it's hard to wait!


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

wolfi wrote:

Looks great!

I thought so too, but the performance is not so good.  I'm going to toy with some other ideas, possibly thicken up the tabs on each of the pieces, and tighten up the area that makes contact with the metal frame, maybe with some springiness so it can get a better grip.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I have a new design, now if I could only get a couple prints made without the y axis skipping I could test it out


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Might work good for timelaps anyway. Since you only take a photo every X min\sec. So you wont notice the vibration that much (hopefully).


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

If have posted the STL on thingiverse I'd be more than happy to test it until you get yours up and running.

And as far as time lapse goes, Merko is dead on, the two I took yesterday using your mount looked really good.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I'm not sure how you used "my" mount, I didn't post it anywhere yet.   I did try a time lapse and it was ok, but not great.

I think my new design will work much better, I'll post it to thingiverse today, however I would like to print one first, make sure the angles are right.  I also would like to post a few different STLs for different sized phones, I've got my phone in an otterbox commuter case.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I saw the pictures of it and borrowed the design and made a SketchUp at lunch yesterday. So not your .stl, but it was based on your design.

I saw the cage clips you had, I think it could be the basis to a pretty awesome top mounted filament holder that would only need two PVC parts and a few small lengths of PVC to complete. After duplicating those I figured, why not two in one? Phone holder and filament holder.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I actually don't like those cage clips, they are the reason for the vibration...

Here are a couple files to try... Let me know how they work, my printer is out of service at the moment.

I might beef up the thickness of this style clip, it's 3mm thick right now, and the 3x3mm that was all my printer would print last night, it did in fact grip really well.

Post's attachments

iphone_mount_with_otterbox_commuter.stl 161.98 kb, 62 downloads since 2012-08-28 

solidoodle_front_bracket_with_mount_hole.stl 314.62 kb, 58 downloads since 2012-08-28 

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Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Oh, by the way... the phone clip part was redesigned by me, but I borrowed that idea of the basic shape from somewhere on thingiverse... I think it was a gorilla-pod clip


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I'll print these as soon as I get home today and let you know what I get!



Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I got them printed.  I'm much happier with this design.

I think the little tabs on the back can also be gripped with a rubber band if you need an even tighter grip.

I'm going to design a tool holder that goes on the side to hold some tools, I'm going to utilize this same clipping method.'fd


Post's attachments

photo1 1.24 mb, 21 downloads since 2012-08-29 

photo2 1.39 mb, 22 downloads since 2012-08-29 

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Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Love the redesign!

As soon as mine gets back up and running it'll be my first print.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

Hmm I might have to modify this and use it with my Lumina.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I made it with alibre, its really easy to modify the dimensions for almost any phone or camera

I'm not at home today so it's not easy for me to post the files...


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

zimmer62 wrote:

I made it with alibre, its really easy to modify the dimensions for almost any phone or camera

I'm not at home today so it's not easy for me to post the files...

I'll be un-learning everything I did with alibre, and creating this in something different soon.  I don't want to push alibre files on anyone at 1/3 of the cost of a printer.  And they made me mad.


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

I'd bet the vibration would go away with the addition of shocks- maybe add an outer frame with clips for attaching rubber bands which then attach to the iPhone mount. It would be like a microphone shockmount. Curses that I won't be able to get to my computer soon...

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Solidoodle 2 iPhone Mount

That's an interesting idea.

I'm going to think of some other mount ideas too.  I've been doing all of my prints with a plexiglass top on it and the door shut which would make either of these mounts not work anymore.

I'd actually like to use a webcam instead of my phone, both for the flexibility of checking on the print from another room, and taking time lapse videos of every print with unlimited storage.