1 (edited by pap4tinker 2017-07-28 01:32:05)

Topic: need to update or calibrate MP mini?

I installed an E3D hot end on my Monoprice Mini select V1. I printed one very nice pla print and one nice petg print. However the next petg print had some underextrusion. The next pla print was entirely looking like underextrusion. I removed the nozzle and found it a touch loose but without leaking. Cleared the nozzle and next pla was half excellent (bottom) and half holes (top). Tried from 195C to 215C with identical results. The temp display is showing its within a degree or two of target when I look.  So Im a bit stuck. I don't think its retraction settings cause it doesn't do it on the whole print. So its led me to consider needing to tune the pid
or update firmware. Any advice or experience with my situation?


Re: need to update or calibrate MP mini?

I had a Mini Select V2 for a couple of weeks, and found that I couldn't print anything in ABS without it cracking.  The biggest problem was the lack of an enclosure.  I don't know if an enclosure is necessary for PLA, but it certainly would have helped on the ABS.

I ended up returning it because I couldn't deal with the noise.

Anyway, try putting a box over it during a print, to keep the ambient temperature up, and see if the problems go away

To print or, 3D print, that is the question...
SD3 printer w/too many mods,  Printrbot Simple Maker Ed.,  FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.


Re: need to update or calibrate MP mini?

Thanks for the reply. I've located some firmware updates that allow for a different thermistor. I am waiting on the web site owner to unlock or email me the updates. I actually have a nice enclosure.  Hopefully this weekend I will have it solved.